My Piece of Sky Blog

Archive for February, 2009

Nick Vujicic – Get Back Up When You Fall Down

I had written a Blog post about Nick Vujicic in October 2008. He is a man who has no arms and no legs but this doesn’t defeat him by giving up hope in life.

There is a new video entitled “Get Back Up” showing how Nick Vujicic has shared his inspirational story with a group of students in a school.

Inside the video, Nick Vujicic says :

I love living life and I am happy.

Along the way you might fall down like this. What do you do when you fall down? Get back up! Everybody knows to get back up because if you start walking, you are not going to get anywhere.

But I’m going to tell you some times in life, when you fall down, you feel like you don’t have the strength to get back up.

 Do you think you have hope? 

If I fail I try again and again and again……..

But I want you to know this is not the end. It matters how you are going to finish. Are you going to finish strong? You will find the strength to get back up. 

How inspiring and motivating?! Isn’t it?

Nick Vujicic will inspire you and uplift you in this video. Watch it now :

Back To Work After The Chinese New Year Long Holidays

After the 10-day break of celebrating Chinese New Year, I got back to work on Monday but with a mind still on holiday 🙂 . Yeah, I have to admit that I’m still in the mood to enjoy the holiday.

But I think this is something quite normal especially after resting for a few days and enjoying the festive holidays with the family. I spent some time cleaning the house, reading books, writing Blog posts, playing Mahjong, surfing the net, watching motivational video clips online and so on.

I was not thinking much about work except for some occasional checking of corporate webmail to make sure that I did not miss out any urgent emails that required my attention especically those emails sent by the customers.

I would say those were the stressless days being spent at home during the Chinese New Year long holidays. I really enjoyed it to feel free from pressure. Fortunately, there are not much activities at work either. So, I think I can remain at the stress-free state for a while 😉

Shokutsu-10 Osaka – The Japanese Food Street At Jurong Point Mall

I went to Jurong Point Mall recently after it had completed its mall extension in August 2008.

There is a newly-opened Japanese food street which is inspired by that of the Osaka in Japan. It is called the Shokutsu-10 Osaka food street which is located at the newly-extended basement of Jurong Point in Singapore.

Shokutsu-10 Osaka Food Street :


This is the entrance to the Shokutsu-10 Osaka food street. Look at the big red crab hanging above the entrance. It looks so attractive and prominent especially seeing it from far. 

The Shokutsu-10 Osaka food street is a Japanese food street with 10 eateries that tempt you with Osaka’s popular dishes such as takoyaki, ramen, sushi and buffets.

It doesn’t matter whether you like Japanese food or not. I guess you will be curious to find out what types of Japanese food that the Shokutsu-10 Osaka food street is selling. 

The big crab really helps to draw the attention of the crowd and leading curious people to enter the Shokutsu-10 Osaka food street. Visit the Japanese food street at Jurong Point Mall if you have the chance.

Chinese New Year 2009 – Happy “Human Day” To Everybody In The Golden OX Year

According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, the 7th day of the first month of the Chinese New Year is the “Human Day“. Hereby, I would like to say “Happy Birthday To Everybody”.

Origin of “Human Day” :


Today (01 February 2009) is the “Human Day” for the Year of the OX and it happens to fall on a Sunday. So let us relax and enjoy ourselves on this special day for everybody. Happy “Human Day”.