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Archive for the ‘Panic & Restless Moments’

Misplaced My Pair Of Spectacles

I lost something yesterday. My goodness, I had lost my pair of spectacles! It’s quite unbelievable to have lost it. I myself also cannot believe it could happen. But the fact is that it did happen. It made me so busy and panic the whole morning searching all over the place for it. It was really a Monday blues for me.

I did not realise that my pair of spectacles was lost until I was about to step out of my house and get ready to go to work. I have the habit of stuffing my pocket with things. There are a few items that I will put inside my pocket before going to work. I will put my purse inside the right pocket of my pan. As for the left pocket, I will stuff it with comb, car key, company toilet key and thumb drive. 

My pockets are always full of things and I also don’t know why. Maybe it makes me feel more secure this way to have my pockets occupied with something. The next thing that I will do is to put on my spectacles. But I cannot find my pair of spectacles everywhere on the Monday morning. I used to put the spectacles on my study desk, dining table or near the basin inside my bathroom but I just cannot find it. It’s strange. I must have misplaced it somewhere.

I was really vey panic for failing to find my spectacles because I don’t have any spares although I still keep my two sets of old and worn spectacles. Furthermore, it was not safe to drive without putting on spectacles so I called up my superior and told him that I was going to take an urgent half-day leave since I would be late for work after spending the time looking around for my spectacles. 

Then, I tried to recall what I had done the day before yesterday and why I had removed my glasses. I remembered that I took off my spectacles when I was reading Adam Khoo’s newly-released book entitled “Secrets of Building Multi-Million Dollar Businesses”. After that, I went straight to my bed without putting on the spectacles again. I only found my spectacles were lost the next morning.

Since I got to go back to work in the afternoon, I hastily borrowed a pair of spectacles from my sister and then set off to my office. Although I find it funny to wear somebody else’s spectacles, it is better to put on glasses that can help me see clearer than not having any.

Later, I received a call from my niece at around 2:45pm. Guess what? She told me anxiously that she had found my spectacles inside her schoolbag. She denied that she had done it and I trust her words because my niece is a very honest and innocent little girl. I guess it must be some “dumb dumb” who had mistaken that my spectacles were hers. Anyway, I’m glad that I have found back my one and only pair of spectacles. It’s really a lost and found!