My Piece of Sky Blog

Archive for the ‘Nice Pictures & Slideshows’

Turtle Jelly And Chinese Porcelain Teapot

I went to Sim Lim tower to buy some electrical and electronic components after office hour this evening. I bought what I needed for work and then took my time to do some window shopping.

I walked into a Chinese medicated store and ordered a small bowl of Guilinggao or turtle jelly. As the name implies, the turtle jelly has something got to do with turtle as it contains turtle shell powder.

Guilinggao or turtle jelly is a Chinese medicine that is traditionally made with turtle shell powder and China roots in the form of a jelly. It is well-known to be good for skin complexion when ingested. So, I took a few minutes of my time to treat myself better with the Guilinggao 🙂

Next, what attracted my attention was the Chinese porcelain teapot. Instead of containing tea, it was filled with honey to neutralise the slight bitterness of the turtle jelly when consumed.

Chinese Porcelain Teapot :


I think the Chinese porcelain teapot was nice so I took out my handphone camera and did a quick snap. It was indeed a good feeling to admiring the beautiful teapot while consuming the Guilinggao 😉

Beautiful Pictures On Amazing Nature Arts

I happened to find a slideshow on some beautiful nature pictures entitled “Amazing Nature Arts“. I find that the pictures are really beautiful to share it here on my Blog.

Amazing Nature Arts

View more presentations from Dinisha .

It is good to look at nice stuff and appreciate the beauty of Mother Nature. So, take a moment of your time and enjoy the amazing nature arts created by Dinisha to de-stress.