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Archive for the ‘Motivation’

Motivational Tip – Kick Away Your Excuses And Start Living In A Positive Direction

Many a time, we hear people around us giving endless excuses for not doing the things that they were supposed to do or were planning to do.

The excuses that they usually give are “no time”, “too busy”, “too difficult to do”, “I love to but…”, “do it some other time”, “don’t have the mood”, “not having enough sleep”, ” have better things to do”, “do it tomorrow” and the list goes on……………………………

I find that the most common excuse among all is to say you are busy. Oh boy, who is not? I feel that if you have the heart to complete a task, you will definitely find time for it. You are determined to make it happen no matter what is stopping you.

If you have loads of excuses and are not successful in realising your dreams, it is obvious that you are the only one who is holding yourself back from success.In fact, you are doing damage to yourself. You have got yourself to blame because you set a goal and then you throw a huge mountain in front of it.

You are responsible for your actions and the situation that you may be in. If you got yourself there, you can definitely get out of it as well.

You have to know that there is always someone out there who is much more worst off than you. They face greater challenges than you do but the fortunate thing is that they didn’t allow their limitation to limit them from realising their dreams.

These extraordinary people are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals and become the best person that they could be. They are highly motivated people who do not allow useless excuses to get in their way. You see, they give no excuses.

So, it is time to kick away your excuses and start living in a positive direction.

Get motivated and inspired by watching the video clip that features Warhawk Matt Scott in NikeNo Excuses‘ Commercial.

Motivational Tip – How To Stay Focus And Realise Your Dreams

I believe most people do dream a dream and hope this dream will come true someday. But the question is when the dream will become a reality.

What is really stopping you from reaching any dream you have? Do you ever find out the reasons for not pursuing your dream?

If you have the heart to do something, you will make it happen no matter what is stopping you. If you truly commit yourself to reaching your dream, there is no excuse in this world that could stop you from reaching whatever you want.

If you have a long list of reasons for not being able to make things happen, you are just finding excuses for yourself and you are in fact a typical procrastinator. Perhaps, it is time for you to change your mindset.

I came across a motivational article lately and I’m inspired by the teachings that it advocates. Here is an excerpt of the motivational article :

Start focusing on the realisation of your dreams.
See the loopholes instead of the walls.
See the possibilities instead of the obstacles.
See the challenges instead of the problems.
See your DREAM, and GO FOR IT!

To achieve your goals, reach your dreams, you will have to DECIDE to TAKE ACTION towards it. I hope you are inspired by the motivational article too by learning how to stay focus and realise your dream.

Inspiring Thoughts – Simple Ways To Live Life To The Fullest

I received an inspiring email entitled “Live Life To The Fullest” from my friend a few days ago. I find that this email was filled with great  inspiring thoughts that help to cultivate our minds and let ourselves to be more positive towards our everyday lives.

Here are the excerpts that I got from the email :

  • Sit in silent for at least 10 minutes each day
  • When you wake up in the morning, complete the following statement : “My purpose is to….today”
  • Live with the 3 E’s….Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy. 
  • And the 3 F’s….Faith, Family and Friends.
  • Spend more time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of 6.
  • Dream more while you are awake
  • Try to make at least 3 people smile each day.
  • Smile and laugh more. It will keep the energy vampires away.
  • Life isn’t fair but it is still good.

All these are simple and yet powerful thoughts. They help to enlighten the way that we think and re-kindle our soul. Practise them and let us live our lives to the fullest.

Take Action – The Key Secret To Achieving A Successful Life

I have been wondering what it takes for us to do in order to achieve a successful life. I guess most people think of many things and come out with some action plans but never get started to make things happen.

In other words, most people allow their procrastination to sip in without themselves realising it. So, you can see that one of the hardest and most difficult things to do is to TAKE ACTION!

But the fact is that taking action is one of the key secrets to achieving a successful life because it is the one thing that will get you results. 

It really does matter that you actually take action towards the goal and dream that you have. This is because :

  • Without movement, you won’t get anywhere. 
  • Without a process, you won’t get any results.
  • Without action, you won’t reach your dream.

From the above 3 short sentences, you can see that you won’t get where you want to be if you don’t take a step forward by moving your leg.

You have to do something about it after knowing it. It is a fact that the difficult thing to do is to make the action part of your everyday life. The answer to this is to make the action part of your mindset and the way you think.

So, what you need to do is to take some time to think about all those things you would like to improve and optimize such as all the things that you feel are missing in your life or those things that make you feel uncomfortable and annoyed.

Lastly, the key element is that you will only reach your goal when you are taking action towards it. No matter what your goal is. So, take action now to achieve a successful life!

Build Up The Momentum Of Taking Action Everyday

Most if not all of the people do set New Year resolution at the beginning of the year. Me too, of course. In fact, I have a list of items that I plan to do within this year.

I need to do a proper planning in order for me to realise all of my goals. If you have your dreams too, you should also find time to make a good planning and build up the momentum of taking action everyday.

So, how should you and I go about doing it? Well, I believe the key to achieving any dream is to build up a momentum through constant action towards the goal. In this way, you will reach your dream when you do something everyday that improve your situation.

I also believe you will succeed when you make an action everyday even if it is small or it may seem insignificant. You are closer to your dream if you do something everyday. It is simple logic.

Let’s say you plan to finish a project in 30 days. If you make an effort to take an action everyday, your goal is actually closer today than it was 1 month ago.

It doesn’t really matter on whether you took gigantic leaps or just small moves. What is important is that you are in fact 1 step closer to your goal everyday. It does make a difference.

So, the right way to achieve your goal and realise your dream is to build up the momentum of taking action everyday.

Motivational Poem – Persistent Is The Slogan To Press On

When I was attending the free preview of the Millionaire Business Academy seminar, the speaker of that night was Patrick Cheo. He is the Group CEO of AKLTG and he is the person who actually runs the business for the company.

Patrick Cheo has shared a lot of good tips with us and given us many ideas on how we can start up a business for ourselves. I think what he has said is very meaningful. He said that one of the criteria to succeed in any business is PERSISTENT.

This reminds me of a poem that I had read from an anthology. The poem goes like this :


Nothing in the world
can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not;
nothing is more common than
unsuccessful men with talent
Genius will not;
unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not;
the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination
alone are omnipotent.
The slogan “PRESS ON” has solved
and always will solve
the problems of the human race.

~ Calvin Coolidge

This is indeed a great poem. So, if we feel that the going is very tough, we should remember that the slogan is to “PRESS ON” — no matter what problem we might face. I believe it will pay off to be persistent.

Motivational Quote – A Wise Man Creates More Opportunities Than He Finds

I often hear people saying that they are not given the opportunities to prove themselves. In fact, I myself also share the same sentiment sometimes. 

Probably most of us feel that we have our potentials but just that we lack of luck as well as a mentor who could guide and help us.  

I read an article written by Marcus Ingemann who talks about the source of motivation. I find that what the author has said in his article is very motivational and meaningful. He quoted what Francis Bacon has said as follows :

a-wise man-creates-more-opportunities-than-he-finds

The article is trying to tell people that you can expect to wait forever if you just wait for the right moment to happen. Thing might not turn out the way that you want it to be if you hope and wish for something to come true.

Meaning to say that there is a high possibility that you might not be getting it. Thus, it probably won’t get you anywhere. Whereas, the result will be different if a person is active in his or her strive to reach a goal. It will create a lot of possibilities and alternatives to realise any dream.

There comes the options and opportunities because you search out for them. They come because you create the right circumstances for them to appear. It will change and improve your life when you take action and start actively to achieving it.

A wise man creates more opportunities than he finds. How true it is!

I will let this motivational quote to sink down in my mind and start thinking what I really want to do to make my life better.

Motivational Quote – No Victory Happens By Chance

I read an article through a subscriber site and it says that the important factor of any success story is as follows :


How true it is! No victory happens by chance! I definitely agree with this motivational quote.

Of course, there are also some exceptional cases whereby the persons do not have to do anything and yet they can enjoy the victorious results. These people are just the lucky ones. But, how far can they depend on their luck? I just wouldn’t know.

Most if not all of the people have ever heard of success story. So, you can base on the success story to track down the key elements that lead to triumph. 

These key elements are :

  • At the end of the journey
  • At the finishing line

What you need to do is to look back and see all the different routes, the twists and turns, that lead you to success. From that point, it becomes very obvious that your success didn’t happen by chance when you have reached your dream.

You can use this method to your advantage by knowing that your success is not determined by those haphazard events surrounding you. You can actually start calibrating your strive towards your goal.

You can search for those events that will lead to success. Alternatively, you can also create those events yourself. While doing your best to use the key elements mentioned above, you are actually speeding up the process of achieving your goals in no time. 

So, remember this : “No victory happens by chance!“.

Motivation – How To Go About Motivating Yourself To Get Results

I believe each and everyone of us do experience we feel at certain moments that we don’t have the drive to do something. We seem to have lost our motivation at times.

I think one of the challenging things for most people to do is to keep your level of motivation at a peak level before you can achieve the results that you are looking for. This is important because it keeps you going to achieving whatever it is that you want. 

You shall be much closer to getting the results that you desire when you are inspired enough to keep going even when there are obstacles in the way.

But the question is : “What are the factors that keep yourself going even when it seems like the odds may be against you?“.


Well, having the Passion is one of the key elements to get yourself motivated. Yes, you have to be passionate about the results you are after. Otherwise, you tend to give up easily when you face problems. 

Another thing is that you have to set reasonable goals that you can be passionate about so that you would motivate yourself and you would put in all your effort to make things happen.


Belief is another key element to get yourself motivated. You must have the belief that you can do it. Your strong belief in yourself and your ability to break through any barriers will help you overcome any obstacles along the way. This will keep yourself inspired and keep moving forward towards achieving what you want. 

Therefore, you must have the passion and belief in order to stay motivated, and keep moving forward in your life to achieving anything that you want.