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Archive for the ‘Goal Setting & Action Plan’

Take Action – The Key Secret To Achieving A Successful Life

I have been wondering what it takes for us to do in order to achieve a successful life. I guess most people think of many things and come out with some action plans but never get started to make things happen.

In other words, most people allow their procrastination to sip in without themselves realising it. So, you can see that one of the hardest and most difficult things to do is to TAKE ACTION!

But the fact is that taking action is one of the key secrets to achieving a successful life because it is the one thing that will get you results. 

It really does matter that you actually take action towards the goal and dream that you have. This is because :

  • Without movement, you won’t get anywhere. 
  • Without a process, you won’t get any results.
  • Without action, you won’t reach your dream.

From the above 3 short sentences, you can see that you won’t get where you want to be if you don’t take a step forward by moving your leg.

You have to do something about it after knowing it. It is a fact that the difficult thing to do is to make the action part of your everyday life. The answer to this is to make the action part of your mindset and the way you think.

So, what you need to do is to take some time to think about all those things you would like to improve and optimize such as all the things that you feel are missing in your life or those things that make you feel uncomfortable and annoyed.

Lastly, the key element is that you will only reach your goal when you are taking action towards it. No matter what your goal is. So, take action now to achieve a successful life!

Build Up The Momentum Of Taking Action Everyday

Most if not all of the people do set New Year resolution at the beginning of the year. Me too, of course. In fact, I have a list of items that I plan to do within this year.

I need to do a proper planning in order for me to realise all of my goals. If you have your dreams too, you should also find time to make a good planning and build up the momentum of taking action everyday.

So, how should you and I go about doing it? Well, I believe the key to achieving any dream is to build up a momentum through constant action towards the goal. In this way, you will reach your dream when you do something everyday that improve your situation.

I also believe you will succeed when you make an action everyday even if it is small or it may seem insignificant. You are closer to your dream if you do something everyday. It is simple logic.

Let’s say you plan to finish a project in 30 days. If you make an effort to take an action everyday, your goal is actually closer today than it was 1 month ago.

It doesn’t really matter on whether you took gigantic leaps or just small moves. What is important is that you are in fact 1 step closer to your goal everyday. It does make a difference.

So, the right way to achieve your goal and realise your dream is to build up the momentum of taking action everyday.

Right Mindset – The Key Factor To Achieving Success

I just read an article which says that 80% of success is mindset. The measure of success is not how smart you are, how hard you work, how many technical skills that you have and so on.

Well, I do agree with what the article has written as I always believe that it is very important to have a right mindset in all aspects of life. Having a positive or good mindset will help us to go a long way in life.

It shapes us into what we are whether we are dealing with our work, family, friends, relationship, social well-beings and so on.

So, how should we go about improving our mindset then? Well, according to many motivational coaches, the first step in improving our mindset is to set goals in order for us to live a successful life.

In fact, most if not all of the success coaches have put goal setting at the top of their list. They believe that this is the way to increase success with a focus mind of what you want in life.

Success coaches also advocate the habit of writing down your goals everyday so as to give yourself the opportunity to improve your performance day by day. You cannot hit a target if you cannot see it.

So, start writing down your goals on a piece of paper and paste it on the wall for yourself to see it. The paper helps to remind you that you have the mission to realise your goals and achieve your success.

All in all, it is crucial to have a right mindset as it is the key factor to achieving success.

Brian Tracy – Follow His Four Steps To Getting Past Obstacles

I was awaken by the alarm clock at 5am this morning and it was one of the earliest time that I got up during weekend. I washed my face and brushed my teeth after waking up. Then, I logged on to the internet to search for Brian Tracy video on YouTube. 

I found a few of Brian Tracy video clips and these are mostly short videos which take less than 2 minutes to play. Although the videos are short, there are a lot of good information in them. I think this is probably called short and to-the-point kind of videos. 

One of the Brian Tracy’s videos that I have watched is his “Four Steps To Getting Past Obstacles“. He said that : “Success is the ability to solve problem. Leadership is also the ability to solve problem. The fact is that a goal unachieved is merely a goal unsolved“. How true it is! 

Brian Tracy has a question for everybody : “How good are you in solving the problems that come up everyday?“. His answer is that if you want to overcome obstacles and achieve your goal, you need to become a continuous problem-solver.

So, the next question is : “How do you become a solution-oriented goal achiever?“.

1) Define the problems clearly

2) Ask specifically what is holding you back from achieving your goal

3) Determine all the possible solutions 

4) All the different things that you could do to overcome the obstacles

The next thing that you need to do is to decide which one to pursue since you have a list of solution already. Bear in mind that it doesn’t have to be the perfect solution but any decision is usually better than no decision at all.

The final and most important thing to do is to TAKE ACTION!

If the approach you have chosen doesn’t work, try something else. If it doesn’t work, try something else as well. You keep thinking things you can do rather than you can’t do. The more you think about solution, the more solution you will come up with.

Brian Tracy also said that all successful people are solution-oriented and this is what we found about solution-oriented people is that the more you think about solution, the smarter you get. 

The more you think about solution, the more solution you come up with. As a result, the successful people are more positive and optimistic. Thus, you must be as well. 

Enjoy Brian Tracy’s video clip on “Four Steps To Getting Past Obstacles” :

Goal Setting Review – How Are We Doing So Far In The Third Week Of January

I have been writing a few Blog posts talking about goal settings lately. I think it is very important for us to know that we need to write down those things that we want to achieve and set them as goals to get us focus on getting them.

As this is the beginning of the year, it has no better time to set goals and take action than now. We have already reached the third week of January and a brand-new month will be coming soon. Probably it is time for us to review how we are doing so far for the monthly-basis goal setting. 

We should ask ourselves what we have achieved so far. Are we following our goals diligently? Are we on track? Or are we still in the process of procrastinating?

Time waits for no men and women. It passes whether or not we do anything to make changes to our life. Time just ticks………..

Goal Setting Tips – Achieve Challenging Goals

The first step in achieving goals is to identify them and followed by taking action. How you achieve your goals usually depends on the amount of control you have and your level of expertise related to the goals.

You have total control over the simple goals and these are the goals that can be achieved easily. Simple goals such as to eat 3 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, to do exercise 15-30 minutes per day, to write an article per day and so on.

The complex or difficult goals are the challenging ones that require a lot of effort to be put in before you can achieve them. Goals such as how to become a millionaire. This is indeed a very challenging goal that requires investing and money management over a number of years.

Some people can really achieve their first million of dollars at a very young age. These people must have the knowledge, time, investment skill and action plan for them to achieve this type of ambitious goal. They determine the number of years that they have to accumulate the wealth they desire and work out a solid plan to achieving it.

Other challenging goal to be achieved is to improve your relationship with another person. This kind of goal is challenging because you can control your behaviour but you can only hope to influence the behaviour of others. Sometimes, you bound to bump into people who just don’t like you no matter how hard you try to make friends with them.

No matter what, it is always easier to accomplish your goals than just relying on chance. Challenging goals can still be achievable if you identify them, work out a plan and take serious action to make them happen.

Goal Setting Tips – Make Changes In Your Behaviour To Improve Your Life

Goal setting may seem like a “to-do list” to some people especially when it is a daily-basis goal setting. The fact is that goal setting is not a to-do list. Goals are changes or improvement you would like to see in your life.

We all know that how difficult it is to change our behaviour. We may continue to be unhappy with our life if we are reluctant to change our behaviour. How can we expect our lives to improve unless we make changes. 

How should you go about improving your life then? Well, the first thing that you need to do is to use goals to help identify the changes you can make in your behaviour in order to improve your life. 

There are things that you can control as well as things that you cannot control. The fact is that there are many things that we have no control in our lives such as our past, death, weather, traffic, taxes, other people’s behaviour and so on.

Things that we can control in our lives are our behaviour and our future. Thus, it is so important for us to recognise the areas we can control as well as we cannot control. It is no point spending our time and energies focusing on those areas that we cannot control. 

Rather, we should channel all our energies to concentrate on those things that we can control. We will see our lives start improving, things are getting better and we are happier.

From this, you can see that the beauty of setting goals is that they help you improve all areas of your life. Reason being that setting goals will get you thinking about the things you can change and lead you to ideas on how to make those changes. 

So, take action now to make changes in your behaviour if you want to improve your life.

Goal Setting Tips – How To Use Goals To Improve Your Life

As mentioned in my earlier post, it’s easier to set simple goals first and followed by the complex ones. So, goals can be simple to complex. You don’t have to think too long and hard as to how to set goals for yourself in order to improve your life.

Some goals can be achieved on the same day that you have written them down. Whereas, some may require years to accomplish. It doesn’t really matter what you have written. The most important thing is that you start the ball rolling and you will gradually build the habit of setting goals for yourself to achieve.

You can set goals on a daily, weekly, monthly, half-yearly or yearly basis. Some of the things you know you should carry out but you didn’t. One of the reasons could be due to you are too lazy to do them. 

So, stop your procrastination and start taking action. What you should do is to jot down those items that you want to accomplish and set them as goals for yourself to achieve to improve your life.

Here are some examples of goal settings :

A) Daily-Basis Goal Settings :

    1) Do exercise 15-30 minutes per day
    2) Eat 3 servings of fruits and vegetables per day
    3) Write an article per day

B) Weekly-Basis Goal Settings :

    1) Attend church / temple every week
    2) Go outing with the family per week
    3) Play golf or badminton or basket ball per week

C) Monthly-Basis Goal Settings :

    1) Read a book per month
    2) Learn a new skill per month
    3) Visit place of interest per month

D) Yearly-Basis Goal Settings :

    1) Attend at least one course per year
    2) Increase annual income by at least 50%
    3) Go for tour with your family per year

You can set goals to make improvements in your life. Just think about how your life currently is. Are you happy with your present life? Also think about how to make your life the way you want it to be. What can you do to improve your life? You will get additional ideas on how you can reach those goals once you write your ideas down as goals. 

It really is that simple. If you still have not set any goals for yourself, it has no better time to do it than to do it right now to improve your life.

Goal Setting Tips – Build The Habit Of Setting Goals

One of the most important things that you should do at the beginning of the year is to set some goals for yourself to accomplish throughout the year. Setting goals is something you can do quickly as it will change your life.

In my opinion, it is easier to set some simple goals first than to set the more complex ones. Reason being that simple and practical goals can be achieved easily. It will encourage yourself to get organised and to stay focus on what you want to achieve in life. It will build up the momentum for yourself to achieve more goals once you have built the habit of setting goals. You will find that you can actually achieve more goals as the years come by. 

Perhaps the most effective way to assure you accomplish your most important goals is to first identify them. The goals have to be specific so as to program your mind to take precedence over other broad topics. Spend some time to think about what you want to do and then set your mind to achieving your goals. 

What set the successful people apart from the non-successful people is that they look into the future. They imagine what they want to accomplish and then they learn what they need to do to reach those goals. From this, you can see that it is so important to have goal settings in order to bring yourself to where you wanted to be in your life. 

Time passes whether you do anything or not. You might as well spend some time to set your goals starting from the simple to the complex ones. So, start to work on your goals and achieve them in a timely manner. 

How To Stick To New Year’s Resolution And Realise Your Goals

I guess most of the people should have already set their New Year’s resolution by now since this is the beginning of the year. Well, we all know that it is very easy to set New Year’s resolution and tell yourself that you will do this or do that in the brand-new year.

However, when it comes to actually taking action, I think the enthusiasm will just fade away quickier than we can imagine. So, why is it so difficult to stick to New Year’s resolution?

I think the problem is that most if not all of the people like to leave things up till the next day to do it. If you have the same kind of thought then I can assure you that you are a procrastinator. The thing is that there is always a tomorrow everyday. So, when are you going to do what you have had jotted down on your list that you have set as your New Year’s resolution then?

If you still don’t have a clue, I think I can share some tips with you over here. In fact, the techniques can be found in Adam Khoo’s “I Am Gifted, So Are You!” book.


1) Write Down What You Want Specifically :

  •      It has to be specific so that your mind is able to focus on achieving it.

2) List All The Benefits and Reasons for Achieving that Goal :

  •      We must know the benefits and reasons so as to motivate us to work hard.

3) Write Down a Strategy and Plan of Action :

  •      Think and write down the strategy that you intend to use.
  •      Come out with a detailed plan of what you are going to carry out with your strategies.

4) Set A Deadline :

  •      You must set a specific deadline in order for yourself to achieve your goals within certain time frame.
  •      The purpose is to prevent you from procrastinating.

5) Emotionally Charge Your Goals :

  •      You have to close your eyes and imagine that the benefits of achieving your goals.
  •      The purpose is to give yourself the emotions to continously act on your goals.

6) Create Momentum by Taking Action :

  •      You should carry out the tasks right away so as to motivate yourself to get what you wanted to achieve.

 I hope you find the tips useful by sticking to New Year’s resolution and realise your goals.