Motivational Poem – Persistent Is The Slogan To Press On
When I was attending the free preview of the Millionaire Business Academy seminar, the speaker of that night was Patrick Cheo. He is the Group CEO of AKLTG and he is the person who actually runs the business for the company.
Patrick Cheo has shared a lot of good tips with us and given us many ideas on how we can start up a business for ourselves. I think what he has said is very meaningful. He said that one of the criteria to succeed in any business is PERSISTENT.
This reminds me of a poem that I had read from an anthology. The poem goes like this :
Nothing in the world
can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not;
nothing is more common than
unsuccessful men with talent
Genius will not;
unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not;
the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination
alone are omnipotent.
The slogan “PRESS ON” has solved
and always will solve
the problems of the human race.~ Calvin Coolidge
This is indeed a great poem. So, if we feel that the going is very tough, we should remember that the slogan is to “PRESS ON” — no matter what problem we might face. I believe it will pay off to be persistent.